Alex Gil, Minimal Computing, a workshop

2:00pm in Alderman 421

Minimal Computing Workshop
Minimal computing refers to computing done under some set of significant constraints of hardware, software, education, network capacity, power, or other factors. It includes both the maintenance, refurbishing, and use of machines to do DH work out of necessity along with the use of new streamlined computing hardware like the Raspberry Pi or the Arduino micro controller to do DH work by choice. In this way minimal computing is also an critical movement, akin to environmentalism, asking for balance between gains and costs in related areas that include social justice issues and de-manufacturing and reuse, not to mention re-thinking high-income assumptions about “e-waste” and what people do with it. Minimal computing thus relates to issues of aesthetics, culture, environment, global relationships of power and knowledge production, and other economic, infrastructural and material conditions.

We'll explore how to use basic computational techniques, as opposed to graphic user interfaces, in order to deploy and sustain web projects. In this workshop we will specifically look at Jekyll—a static site generator—and its humanistic uses.

This is not a Humanities Informatics event, but is sponsored by the UVA Library, DH@UVA, and the Scholars' Lab.

Thursday, February 7, 2019