HMI Weekly Meeting: Trust On Autonomous Driving

1:15pm - 2:30pm in Wilson 117

The Human and Machine Intelligence research group hosts Lu Feng (Computer Science) speaking on Trust on Autonomous Driving.

Abstract: We are witnessing accelerating technological advances in autonomous vehicles. As the degree of autonomy of vehicles increases and the nature of human-autonomy interactions becomes more complex, key questions that need to be asked are how to ensure safety and trust in human-autonomous vehicle interactions? On the one hand, high-profile incidents such as the fatal Tesla crash and Uber accident make clear the risks from “overtrust” or over-reliance on autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, “undertrust” may cause the neglect or under-utilization of automation. We need to advance our understanding of the role of trust within human-autonomous vehicle interactions. In this talk, I will introduce results from our recent experimental study involving 19 participants on a high-fidelity driving simulator. Our preliminary results show the influence of different factors (e.g., automation alarms, weather conditions) on trust, and the individual variability in human reaction time and trust change.

Monday, April 22, 2019